Thursday 14 December 2017

Homecare Independent Living: Make Your Life Easier Through Advanced Products

The individuals with impairment, a disability or the health issues (which they encounter as they age) cannot enjoy their life to the extent they want. A feeling that always remains in their mind and heart is of being dependent on others, no matter how close they are to those caretakers.  They just have one desire which is to carry out their daily tasks themselves, without any help from others. In simple words, they want Homecare independent living so that they can also live their life like every normal person lives.
And the good thing is that this desire of the impaired persons has been considered by some companies which are designing special products to assist their daily. Special attention is paid to make these products easy to use and accessible for those who need them.

As the technology is evolving, practical solutions are introduced for promoting Homecare Independent Living. Some examples of these solutions are:
Screen reader
It is a software that converts the text messages (displayed on the screen) into an auditory output, by using a Text-to-Speech Engine. It has made it easy for the blind people to get read their messages without any assistance.

Eye Mobile Plus
It is a combination of the best in the speech recognition, eye tracking, infrared control and switch access that enables the individuals with mobility challenges to communicate effectively through the mobile computing.

Electronic recorders
Digital audio players and recorders allow the blind people to read digital talking books effectively along with allowing them to record the important information. These devices also come with the built-in FM radio facilities and other options that offer entertainment. 

These are just a few to name; as the technology is advancing, new products are offered to sort out the daily life problems of the physically impaired people. If you are also looking for the products that would support homecare independent living, you can contact Safe Care Technologies. It is a leading developer of assistive technology products and a well-known supplier of the leading products offered by big brands. To have a look at the products they offer, you can visit

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Your Search For The Best Assistive Technology Is Over with Safe Care

Do you know someone who is going through any kind of disability? Is he or she unable to walk? Not able to see? Unable to talk or listen?  It is the 21st century and people with a disability no longer consider themselves helpless or dependent on anyone. Why so? This is because of technology. This technology helps the disabled do the basic tasks easily like switching on/off the lights, closing doors, controlling air conditioner, bathing, eating and much more.

assistive technologies

How Disabilities impact the disabled 

A disability can be mental or physical and how a person reacts to it depends on various factors like:

· Nature of the disability
· The person’s personality
· Life circumstances
· Emotional support

Living with a disability is not easy. It can be accompanied with emotional, social and financial problems. The last thing any human would want would be to be dependent on someone else for basic everyday tasks such as personal care, opening doors, turning on the lights and many other such tasks. Being dependent on someone instills into him or her feeling of being the odd one, disabled or defective. 
When the disabled feel bound and know they are not independent, they may experience depression or social isolation because of the fact that they will never be able to lead a normal life.

Safe Care Technologies

Safe Care Technologies have come up with a range of devices to help the disabled live a life they lost all hope of. They have worked closely with health advisors and practitioners to create devices, which help people to be independent. It can help you in moving around, making phone calls, communicating, accessing the Internet, closing doors, eating and many other everyday chores.



It helps the person control the environment around by using a touchscreen tablet. The tablet provides you with options to select the room such as living room, master bedroom, and kitchen. After the selection, you can control the air conditioner, lights, smart TV’s, entertainment systems and security systems.

BJ Live- Simple Control

This device enables the disabled to be independent and select what they wish to do. You can control the stereo, curtains, blinds, doors and other household appliances. It can be customised according to the users.

IIt has been awarded the ‘Most Innovative Business’ award for its contribution in creating unparalleled assistive technologies for the people. Visit the website for more details.

Monday 19 June 2017


Do you have someone disabled or elderly in your home? Then you would definitely understand the ordeal that they have to go through. Round the clock, someone has to be present around them to help with their daily basic tasks. It becomes very tough for the family as well because sometimes you have to take an off from work or cancel/postpone your plans. Even if you keep a help then someone has to be there to supervise.

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology has helped many disabled people to lead a more independent life. They can easily perform small tasks such as turning the lights off, opening doors, hearing aid and much more. There are assistive devices for every disability such as walking, speaking, hearing and visually impaired. The assistive wheelchair has been a great help to people deprived of walking. They can now independently control the wheelchair with a few controls.  

The wheelchair assistive technology is in many ways better than the manual wheelchair. Let us see how.

Lightweight and Strong

These wheelchairs are lightweight and can also be folded. This has been an immense upgrade in the field of wheelchairs as they offer much more benefits than the generic wheelchairs. The aluminum built guarantees the strength and durability of the wheelchair.

Easy to Control

This wheelchair has a few buttons to move easily. The person on the chair can control the movement themselves. The controls on the armrest let you move straight, left or right and stopping. While in a manual wheelchair, either someone has to push the wheelchair from behind or the person has to move the wheels by themselves.

Accurate Posture

As you do not have to push the wheelchair so you don’t put any strain on your back and maintain the right posture. Some people have back problems such as Scoliosis in which the backbone is not straight. Therefore, if they do not maintain the correct posture or too much stress on the back then things might get out of hand.

Reduces Swelling of legs

The assistive wheelchair has a separate place to keep the feet. If the patient sits for too long keeping the legs hanging then they might swell. This is the case with some manual wheelchairs. The feet holder can be adjusted according to the comfort of the patient with the press of a button.

Rubber wheels

The rubber wheels have more suspension, so the wheelchair can glide smoothly over uneven surfaces. It also offers more durability to the wheelchair as the tyres can absorb vibrations. They do not create much noise and strong suspension ensures that there is no pain in the lower back.

Safe Care technologies have been a leading name in manufacturing and designing some extremely helpful assistive devices for the disabled. Wheelchairs with Assistive Technology are available on their website with a variety of features to cater every need.  

Visit for communication aid, environmental control and remote monitoring devices.


Thursday 8 June 2017

Experience the wonders that technology can do to make lives easier

In the hustle of life, sometimes what are left behind, are the elderly people who might need attention. With the advancement in technology, a number of elderly safety devices have come up, which not only ensure the safety of elderly people but also give them a sense of independence. At Safe Care Technologies, we have a team of dedicated professionals working towards making the lives of the elderly, impaired as well as handicapped a bit easier.

Communication is no more a difficult task when blended well with Augmented and Alternative Communication Technologies. We work towards bringing all the advanced technologies at your service. 
Here are a few of our products dedicated to rectifying communication difficulties:

Indi TM
A compact tablet designed to start communication. It has powerful built-in speakers and expertise.
  • Easy to hold
  • Economic design
  • Ultra portable
PC Eye Plus
Communication difficulties are very smartly overruled by the power of this device with feature gaze interaction and optimized zoom.
  • Excellent battery backup
  • Quick transition to sleep mode
  • Built-in mounting
Gaze Viewer
Tracking an individual's cognitive understanding has been made easy with this device. It provides a better understanding of one's capabilities.
  • Record, view and save actions
  • Easy for all to use
  • Quick     start     up procedure

Over the years, our ranges of products have proven to make your life easy going. We present you a complete blend of advanced technology fulfilling your daily requirements. Above listed was one of those highly functional elderly safety devices, while the list is endless at our website.

From communication, environmental control, mounting, sensory systems, remote monitoring as well as a number of accessories, we bring you a diverse range of products. You no more have to worry about the elderly people at your home because yes, they can now take care of their daily chores themselves.

From the safety of old age people to their independence, we bring you number of software as well as devices to keep a check on how they are doing. Get into use this perfect blend of technology to be tension free about their know-how.

Visit our website and add technology to your household to get started. 

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Gaze Viewer features and importance

We’ve always been told that aging is a state of mind,”80 is the new 60” and “60 is the new 40” so what’s next “90 is the new 20’s”. Age is just a number, but the hard truth about old age is that physical disabilities spare nobody. Old age comes with knee joints pain, chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases thus the person becomes disabled and is dependent on others to perform activities of daily living (ADL).
Safe Care Technologies has taken a great initiative by developing products to help the elderly and handicapped carry out daily tasks without asking for any help. They can function independently with these amazing self-help products. Gadgets for:

Environmental control
Sensory room
Remote Monitoring

Winner of the “Most Innovative Business Award”, Safe care technologies has developed the Gaze Viewer based on the Eye Gaze technology.
What is Gaze Viewer?

Gaze viewer is an assessment tool that helps teachers, parents, educational psychologist or anyone get a better insight and understanding of elderly people, disabled or infants. The system keeps track of your eye movement to know your most frequent choices.

Features of Gaze Viewer:

This device is highly accurate and can predict the user’s gaze up to a ¼ inch or even less.

It does not put any strain on the eyesight, unlike other devices. The programs have been designed to reduce eye fatigue that comes with other eye control devices.

Fast technology:
The system responds to the user very fast, within 1/10 of a second.

The device can be operated from any position-side lying, tilted head. Without much or no movement you can easily operate it.

Made for all Eye Variations:
It is highly adjustable for almost all eye variations. Small, large, irregularly shaped pupils.

Low Light:
This is one of the most important features of Gaze Viewer that it can work even in low light. The same tracking even with no or low light.

Adjustable Camera:
The gaze viewer can be positioned at any angle; it works fine under all angles. Can be placed high or low with focus up to 30 inches.

Tracks even with Lenses:
No problem even if you are wearing contact lenses or glasses. Eye Gaze Technology is highly flexible and works perfectly find with spectacles.
Visit for more information.

Monday 3 April 2017

Assistive Technology: Things You Need to Know

                                                            Assistive Technology: Things You Need to Know

Assistive technology is a term that includes assistive, adaptive and rehabilitative gadgets for individuals with inabilities and furthermore includes the process used in selecting, choosing and utilising them. Assistive technology promotes independence by empowering individuals to perform tasks that they were previously not able to fulfil, or had great difficulty accomplishing by providing such technologies. 

In this guide we will discuss some of these assistive technologies:

1. Wheelchairs or Walkers:
Wheelchairs are devices that can be manually or electrically propelled and that includes a seating system and are designed to substitute normal mobility which most people enjoy. Wheelchairs allow people to perform daily life activities which include feeding, toileting, bathing, dressing and grooming. While walker is used as an additional support to maintain balance or stability while walking. It consists of a frame that is about waist high and slightly wider than the user. People with both sitting and walking disability often need to use a wheelchair or walker.

2. Screen readers and Braille:

Screen readers allow the visually impaired people to access electronic information easily. These software programs when connected to computer systems, read out the text loudly.Braille is a system of raised dots formed into units called braille cells. A full braille cell is made up of 6 dots with two parallel rows of three dots. The combination of dots represents letters, numbers, punctuation marks or words. People can use their fingers to read the code of raised dots. 


Prosthetic limb is a device that replaces a missing body part. It includes a mechanical device with human muscle, skeleton and nervous system to assist or enhance motor control lost by trauma, disease or defect. 

4. Hearing aids:  
A hearing aid is the device which is designed to amplify sound for the wearer, usually with the aim of making the speech more understandable. They amplify all sound waves through use of microphone, amplifier and speaker.

Assistive technology is vast and helps people who have difficulty speaking, writing, remembering, pointing, seeing, hearing, walking, learning and many other things. If you are looking for assistive technologies for your loved ones, then Safe Care Technologies are the best option for you. They provide the best and safe technologies. 

To know more and to register, please visit: 

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Eye Gaze Communication Systems

           Things You Need To Know About Eye Gaze Communication Systems

Eye gaze communication is basically designed for people with complex physical disabilities. This is a system that is operated with the person’s eyes as they look at the control keys displayed on the screen. People with serious physical disabilities can operate on a computer, access their email, attend a phone call, or browse the Internet with the help of these Eye Gaze Communication Systems.
For all those who are listening to such systems for the very first time, we have gathered all the details that will help you get a clearer idea about what it is and what makes it so important. Read on:

Who Can Use It? 
Eye gaze communication systems can be used by both children and adults with physical disabilities. People with cerebral palsy, brain injuries, multiple sclerosis, brainstem strokes, and spinal cord injury are some of the common users of the eye gaze communication systems.

How Does It Operate?
Eye gaze communication system has a specialized camera mounted below the monitor. This video camera is used to observe user's eye when they are sitting in front of the monitor. The user operates this system by looking at the control keys that are displayed on the screen.

How Does It Help?
With the help of eye gaze communication systems physically disabled people can do things like reading, writing, playing games, browsing the internet, and much more. They can also attend a call with the help of these advanced communication systems.

Specific Guidelines for Eye Gaze Operating Environment 
Although eye gaze communication systems are easy to operate, there are a few important things that you should know about operating environment of these systems. When you are operating on an eye gaze system keep it at a significant distance from the window with limited infrared light. Fluorescent and mercury lights are considered suitable for eye gaze system environment.

What Are Its Advantages?
This is an innovative assistive technology that helps disabled or impaired individuals to live independently. With eye gaze solutions, people can carry out their daily functions with ease and safety.
There are companies like Safe Care Technologies that are playing a significant role in this field. They offer accessible and user-friendly technology for disabled, elderly, and impaired individuals which make their life easier. Visit to know more about eye gaze communication systems!
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